Best Henna Hair Dye Ever!

Today is the final day of the discount and boy did you guys use it!  Everyone saved about $5,000.00 in discounts!  Make sure you check our Facebook and blog for the latest updates. You can also sign up for our newsletter. We send out a few each month, we have a lot of new colors coming and we will be having some really fun contest! We are relying ...

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Shampoo Kick Start

I have had so many people ask about shampoos we are going to do a shampoo Kick Start program. This is how it works: Sign up if you are interested in purchasing shampoo here: KICK START Put in the subject line: Shampoo. Nothing more. In the message put put what kind and how many. Please keep in mind the shampoo is perishable after 12 months. Once I g ...

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