Henna Hair Dye Trouble Shooting
Our products work on 99.9% of the people who use them. Here are some henna hair dye troubleshooting techniques. If the henna hair dye does not work for any reason we can usually fix the issue. Follow our directions on the product. We are getting a lot of people reading blogs on the net and using their own formula to mix the products.
Our dye is super simple once you get the hang of it. Most get it the first time around. If you have used oils or done oil treatments, you can rinse with apple cider vinegar to get it out. Here are more details: How to make your henna hair color last longer:
Below is a list of what NOT to do while using EarthDye:
1. Do not use leave-in conditioners. It coats and suffocates your hair and strips the dye and keeps it from working as well, wash-out conditioner is okay after 48 hours.
2. Do not use oil treatments. It stops your natural oil production. It clogs your pores and strips the dye, strips browns, and causes red or brassy colors.
3. Do not mix in any other ingredients UNLESS otherwise advised by an EarthDye Specialist. Especially Indigo.
4. Do not use bottled water, distilled water, or any water from any source other than your faucet unless directed by an EarthDye specialist.
5. Do not let the hair dye set on the counter for long periods of time before applying it except red-orange. If you let it set out, one hour is more than enough.
6. Do not use hair straighteners hot irons, or chemical hair straighteners. Hair straighteners can cause greens and purples.
7. Do not use alcohol products. Aftershave, drinking alcohol, distilled water; hair products with alcohol (not all but some) can cause your hair to turn purple if using browns and or burgundy.
8. Do not use Crew shampoo, Aveda, V05, Baby, or Dr. Bonners. All of these shampoos have an ingredient that reacts with our natural hair dye (turning the hair red, green, or purple). There are millions of shampoos on the market. Look for shampoos without oils (a small amount might be okay) and alcohol. We recommend Harvest Moon Henna Shampoo or Aloe Shampoo.
9. Do not wait longer than 48 hours to wash your hair once you have rinsed it out. 24 hours and less is a good number. Over 48 hours can result in multi-colored hair.
10. Do not use a heater to dry your hair while the dye is on your head! Using one after you rinse is fine.
11. Let the dye dry naturally. If you use a shower cap cut a hole in the top so air can get to it. Dark browns are okay to not poke holes in a shower cap and some have reported it actually works better. Reds need air! If you have problems try different techniques! Different people get different results and the majority have no problems.
12. Do not leave the product on for more than 2 hours! Unless otherwise told differently by a Harvest Moon specialist. 1 hour is recommended or less.
13. Do not do the entire head over and over with dark colors as it will get darker and darker. Do root touch-ups to maintain color and after 3-4 months or when hair fades do the entire head. People using reds or black it is OK to do the entire head as often as you like.
14. Do not freeze leftover products. Place leftover powder in zip-lock baggy or use a close pin, squeeze out the air, and store in a dark place (cigar box, shoe-box, under counter). It will last up to 9-12 months after being opened.
15. Do not apply beard dye without cleaning beard dye with a toothbrush or beard brush and shampoo, Harvest Moon Natural Shampoo is by far the best to use without products. Not doing so will result in the beard dye not working.
16. Do not apply to dirty hair. Wash hair twice just prior to application with shampoo. No conditioner until after application. Never use “leave-in” conditioners, this strips browns and causes reds or brassy tones.
17. Do not use hot irons, flat irons/hot iron gels within 2-3 weeks after or before using natural hair dye. Hot irons damage your hair so they are already bad, but they also kill the protein and the pores. You need these to help the dye bind to your hair. Hot iron/flat irons will strip the color and keep it from binding to the hair.